MARJON CORP. ID 36416002

  • Summary

    MARJON CORP. is an entity created in Massachusetts and is a Domestic Profit Corporation in accordance with local laws and regulations. Having the registration number 000924482, according to the government registry, it is inactive.

  • Status

    inactive updated recently more like this →

  • Kind

    Domestic Profit Corporation more like this →

  • Address

    26 CONWELL ST. #1, PROVINCETOWN,, MA, 02657, USA
  • Officers

    JOHN E. O'BRIEN Registered Agent

    JOHN E. O'BRIEN president

    JOHN E. O'BRIEN treasurer

    JOHN E. O'BRIEN secretary

    JOHN E. O'BRIEN director

  • Regulatory regime

    Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth

  • Update status

    Most recent update: 2024-12-22 23:57:47 UTC

  • Comments